Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Silver Lining

I'm headed out on holiday to Hawaii today. There are a few silver linings to this giant hurricane cloud of economic doom hanging over us (aside from the sweet, sweet taste of schadenfreude) and one is that Hawaii is affordable. I'll try to post some pix of us at a volcano or making juvenile jokes about leis.

I watched our President-elect's press conference yday and noticed one of his advisors is the chairman of the board of my company. I have met him (the chairman) several times, including one memorable time in Davos when we were invited to dance with him, and he is quite possibly one of the coolest humans alive. He is a Republican, but apparently pulled a Joe Lieberman on McCain and supported O. Anyway, the 2 of them together in an administration might exceed nationally-recognized coolness limits - seriously I think if you took their body temperatures together they would not add up to 98.6.

The man has his own vineyard.

I rest my case.

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