You will notice my new, company-mandated disclaimer at the top. Obviously, the only interesting thing to talk about this week is politics, and I cannot. So I'm going to pout. If you want my analysis of her speech last night, email me and I'll send it to you, but remember: the views contained within are simply my personal views and not the views of my employer. I am ostensibly a journalist and have no real personal views. Ever and ever amen.
I watched, despite myself, the new 90210. Horrifying. The female actresses are so painfully thin, they make the women of Gossip Girl look zaftig. Plus they are all kitted out in tank tops and hot pants the whole time so I was forced to look at their chicken arms. Yuck. I made it to the point where the bobblehead with the big teeth got angry/upset/indigestion at the bobblehead with the heroin-addict eyes before I started hoping that some creature from a Guillermo del Toro movie would land on the boy(?i think?) bobblehead and munch on an eyeball. Yucky. And how the HELL did that kid who was so amazing on The Wire drop into this. Fire your agent, kid.
I am headed to SF tomorrow morn to meet up with the inestimable Verna. She is there for some emergency medicine conference, I am there for the burritos. We are having dinner at the Zuni Cafe on Saturday, so I can find out if my roast chicken has reached the heady heights.
Then I soldier on to the Mothership, arriving just before what looks like a major hurricane is supposed to hit the eastern seabord. I will require constant infusions of pep talkery, so please give generously.