Yep I was there, and boy was it nuts. I guess Hollywood figured if they cant have the Oscars, they will have the Debates. Hilariously, it became the hottest ticket in town. Here's my exclusive behind-the-scenes blog.
945a arrive at Kodak and walk right past the security without credentials and go inside, bypassing the epic queue. Maybe its because I ooze authority. Make mental note to try same strategy at Vanity Fair Oscars party.
950a. Jessica Yellin, CNN political reporter = adorable + tiny + blond.
1012a Tour set. Try to keep control and not steal Stevie Wonder's seat marker.
1013a Steven Spielberg! Leonardo di Caprio! Leo's mom! Democrats are much more glamorous than GOPs. Best they could muster was an Ubergeriatric Nancy Reagan and Frasier.
1228p Lunch catered by Wolfgang Puck. Who is paying for this?
1258p Receive email from the 9th of the 10 people I know in LA asking for tickets. When did CNN become cool and why was I not informed?
104p Security is asked to clear Spiderman, Freddie Kruger and Darth Vader from behind the live shot outside Mann's Chinese. Darth gets belligerent.
152p Check out the Spin Room. Food is better in workspace so I leave.
215p Consider going to check if "S. Wonder" seat marker is still there. Must. Be. Good.
341p Brandy arrives and talks about the importance of the youth vote. Uh huh. So does the cast of "The West Wing". Bradley Whitford (or is it Bradford Whitley?) is hot.
401p A Baldwin arrives. Not sure which one.
427p Stars coming quick and fast. Spielberg looks mildly irritated. The dead "Desperate Housewife" is here looking v glam. Dont these people know this is a POLITICAL event and that glamour is most definitely not allowed.
445p Stevie Wonder! Stevie Wonder! I faint dead away.
454p Wolf is making jokes. He is a really genuinely nice guy and an inspiring journalist, but sadly not a comedian.
5p The show starts! Obama is in crazy elegant suit. Hill - brown suit? hmm. At least she doesnt look like Diane Keaton, who is in all-white and can likely be seen from outer space in that outfit.
515p Quickly becomes apparent that we are trapped in a giant auditorium with two girl scouts. Are they talking about healthcare or a bake sale? I lose track. Nicey-nicey everybody kissie.
524p Yay! Usher and I get to hustle out a group of sweaty college students who have the wrong color wristbands. LO-SERS.
555p "Historic...blah blah... historic...."
614p "Historic" Everybody do a shot!
627p Did I mention that this is HISTORIC?
645p Is Bill here? Cause he's getting slated. Oh wait. Now they are applauding him. Hard to keep track.
7p Debate is over. I ride down the elevator with the cast of "Dirty Sexy Money" (love that show! miss it!) including Blair Underwood (*purrrrr*), the mystery Baldwin and the dead Housewife.
715p Hollywood Boulevard in front of the Kodak is like the weirdest political rally you've ever seen. Each of the campaigns must have sent their "Fruits and Nuts for Obama/Clinton" organizations to rally outside. A giant Spongebob is wearing a Hillary pin. My brain may explode, so I leave. I wonder if Stevie Wonder's seat marker is still there?
OMG rache this is hilaaaaaaaaarious!!!! i had no idea you were such a closet stevie wonder fan. anyway, what a good read. thanks!
Next time I'm coming with you! Don't worry I won't embarass you...well maybe a little
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