Iain calls Jane Austen "Rachel crack". I know. I know. But I just cant get enough. So of course I've been watching the Jane Austen stuff on PBS. This version of Sense & Sensibility is adapted by Andrew Davies who also did the BBC version of Pride & Predjudice. The funny thing that struck me about both is the real estate porn. In S&S, there's a sequence where Willoughby the Cad takes Marianne to the estate he will inherit from his aunt. She runs her hands lovingly along the bannisters and they run through the empty rooms. He's trying to seduce her by showing her his very large real estate portfolio (and it works). In P&P there's a scene where Elizabeth Bennett first sees Mr Darcy's estate and, in Davies' adaptation, literally thinks "wow that's a big house, maybe this guy isnt as bad as I thought..." I am not familiar enough with the original texts to know if Austen is that literal in the books, but obviously anyone living through the British real estate boom would recognize it in these adaptations.
Speaking of crack: Geekapalooza! Battlestar Galactica starts tonight!
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