Iain and I went car shopping this weekend. We are not really in the position to buy one yet, but wanted to scope out the options. One thing is very clear: I am not really a car person. Honestly, I dont really care that much about the pure chrome spinning rims or whatever. I get anxious driving or parking a nice car, and I get nervous paying a lot for gas or loan payments. That said, I like my conveniences and I find random cars kind of soulless. That narrows our options.
Assuming gas prices stay constant, Iain will probably continue to drive the Prius since he has to commute the furthest. I walk to work now, although that is going to get very difficult in a few weeks due to the heat, so I will probably be the primary driver. I just want something kind of cheap but cute and great mileage.
Yesterday we looked at Smart Cars and Minis. Love love them both. The Minis are obviously a lot more stylish and zippier, but I'm sold on the Smart Car. Seriously: it is very comfortable, very cheap, and super cute. It drives like a tonka toy, but I dont really care. It would be the perfect second car. Unfortunately, I'm not the only person who thinks so. There is a 1 to 1 1/2 year wait list - isnt that nuts? We dont need one now anyway since Iain will be in New Mexico for most of the rest of the year (btw: 120F at White Sands yday!) but sounds like my supercute little Smart Car will need to wait.
BTW2: I'm loving all things Ting Ting these days. "That's Not My Name" reminds me of "Hey Yeah" for some reason. I've never really been a massive Fiona Apple fan - never bought that whole "damaged scary girl" schtick she's selling - but heard "I Am An Extraordinary Machine" on the radio this weekend and it might just unseat "That's Not My Name" as my new favorite song.