Now that The Surge© has begun again, food fun is limited. So on to tv:
Ugly Betty – pass the Kleenex that was SAD. I really love this show – the most evil people are hilarious and, yes, still unlikable. It’s so1998 to make evil people likable. The heros are so downtrodden and desperate, that you really have to stretch to even call it a comedy.
Lost – its good again and I sort of follow what’s going on! Hurray!
24 – Goodbye and good riddance, old friend. This season smelled like the yogurt Iain left out last night. The producers say they are completely rethinking the next season, so there’s hope for you yet Jack Bauer.
Heroes – fun fun fun! Still hoping it will make me gasp with disbelief at some point – its all a bit sanitized at the moment – but a quality way to spend an hour as far as I’m concerned.
The Shield – Tony Soprano is no gentle flower, but Vic Mackey is a brute of the first order. They got over making anything likable about the guy a long time ago. The longer I live in LA, the more I realize that The Shield is closer to reality than you might realize.
Entourage – funny, but they do feel a bit like they are running in place. If I had to watch any of those people for longer than an hour I might start to loathe them, but as a 30 min comedy quickie its pretty effective.
The Sopranos – Well, what is there to say. The finale is coming up. Better get a mop.
John from Cincinnati – starts June 10. described as a Surf Noir (whatever that means) and some kind of an alien is involved. Could be impenetrable and, as those Brits say, up its own ass. But the writer/director David Milch did Deadwood and I LURVE Deadwood.
Flight of the Conchordes – also from HBO. Looks HILARIOUS.
Bionic Woman – yes yes yes, but it is the same team making this that made the Battlestar Galactica. Jaime Sommers is played by a star from London’s own craptastic “Eastenders” and the villain on BW is played by Starbuck
Pushing Daisies – sounds weird and could be fun.
Heroes spinoffs – I like the original. Chances are I’ll like the spinoff.
Grey’s Anatomy spinoff – Pilot was trash, but I like trash and I really like the main actress.
The Closer – very easy but satisfying show. Sort of like eating a cupcake for dinner.
Caveman – A show based on a commercial intended to be an insightful commentary on racial predjudice. I need a drink.
Kid Nation – CBS’s noble attempt at a reality series based on Lord of the Flies. Yes, really. They put children in a ghost town and they are supposed to form their own society. And we watch. For fun.
Grey’s Anatomy love triangle – I was kind of watching for awhile, but I just cannot believe the short dumpy gay guy – hot lingerie model – saucy zaftig Latina love triangle. Call me when the hilarious banter starts again.
Ugly Betty – pass the Kleenex that was SAD. I really love this show – the most evil people are hilarious and, yes, still unlikable. It’s so1998 to make evil people likable. The heros are so downtrodden and desperate, that you really have to stretch to even call it a comedy.
Lost – its good again and I sort of follow what’s going on! Hurray!
24 – Goodbye and good riddance, old friend. This season smelled like the yogurt Iain left out last night. The producers say they are completely rethinking the next season, so there’s hope for you yet Jack Bauer.
Heroes – fun fun fun! Still hoping it will make me gasp with disbelief at some point – its all a bit sanitized at the moment – but a quality way to spend an hour as far as I’m concerned.
The Shield – Tony Soprano is no gentle flower, but Vic Mackey is a brute of the first order. They got over making anything likable about the guy a long time ago. The longer I live in LA, the more I realize that The Shield is closer to reality than you might realize.
Entourage – funny, but they do feel a bit like they are running in place. If I had to watch any of those people for longer than an hour I might start to loathe them, but as a 30 min comedy quickie its pretty effective.
The Sopranos – Well, what is there to say. The finale is coming up. Better get a mop.
John from Cincinnati – starts June 10. described as a Surf Noir (whatever that means) and some kind of an alien is involved. Could be impenetrable and, as those Brits say, up its own ass. But the writer/director David Milch did Deadwood and I LURVE Deadwood.
Flight of the Conchordes – also from HBO. Looks HILARIOUS.
Bionic Woman – yes yes yes, but it is the same team making this that made the Battlestar Galactica. Jaime Sommers is played by a star from London’s own craptastic “Eastenders” and the villain on BW is played by Starbuck
Pushing Daisies – sounds weird and could be fun.
Heroes spinoffs – I like the original. Chances are I’ll like the spinoff.
Grey’s Anatomy spinoff – Pilot was trash, but I like trash and I really like the main actress.
The Closer – very easy but satisfying show. Sort of like eating a cupcake for dinner.
Caveman – A show based on a commercial intended to be an insightful commentary on racial predjudice. I need a drink.
Kid Nation – CBS’s noble attempt at a reality series based on Lord of the Flies. Yes, really. They put children in a ghost town and they are supposed to form their own society. And we watch. For fun.
Grey’s Anatomy love triangle – I was kind of watching for awhile, but I just cannot believe the short dumpy gay guy – hot lingerie model – saucy zaftig Latina love triangle. Call me when the hilarious banter starts again.
1 comment:
i'd go for the sassy latina A-N-Y day. now if the show focused on her, i'd remember what night it was on. {what night IS it on?]
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