Monday, August 27, 2007

We fought the Law and the Law won.

We learned a couple things this weekend.
1. Would CHIPS really camp at the bottom of a highway so steep that there are runaway truck ramps on either side on a Sunday giving out speeding tickets for going 14 miles over the speed limit on an 8% downhill grade? Why yes they would.
2. Did you know that California does not recognize international driver's licenses if the driver in question is now a resident in California, which makes operating a car in the state of California illegal? Why yes that's true.
3. Did you know that if you are a foreign national in the United States that it is a misdemeanor to not carry identification, including your passport, with you at all times? Yep. True.
4. Tequila=good. Sake=good. Tequila + Sake= Bad.

1 comment:

peginla said...

OMG, what happened? did he get a ticket? WTF, dude?!?!?!?