What I will watch:
1. Reaper: supposed to be funny. Reminds me of Buffy.
2. Bionic Woman: because I'm an enormous geek.
3. Dirty Sexy Money: What's not to love?
4. Pushing Daisies: supposed to be cute (some say TOO cute, but hey I'll be the judge of that).
5. Heroes: see #2.
What I will not watch:
1. Any reality show (with the exception of Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares).
2. Boston Legal: eh not so much.
3. Cane: Although Jimmy Smits is always smokin'.
4. Journeyman: Because I'm not that much of a geek.
5. How I Met Your Mother: yeah yeah yeah, but I never really liked Friends either.
You will note that there is nothing from HBO on that list. Because THEY SUCK. Sorry, that's my disappointment talking. I tried to watch "Tell me you love me" and like so much that's supposed to be about sex, it was profoundly unsexy and unpalatably pretentious. Blech. "Deadwood" seems like such a long time ago.
I will also continue to watch the NFL in my quixotic attempt to win at least one week of the fantasy football league. Thus far, my performance has been rather like that of my team's namesake: Posh and Becks. Terribly skinny, virtually useless, but with an occasional flash of brilliance.
1 comment:
i heart starbuck. and i mean HEART.
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