Monday, June 9, 2008

Top Cheftastic

Only 2 short days until the Top Chef finale! This season of TC might be my favorite - most of them actually seem like they can cook and the challenges have been slightly less ridiculous than usual (I still havent really forgiven the producers for the veggie loaf with Squirt soda sauce last season). For those of you that havent been watching, a quick update:

2 Front runners: Stephanie: totally unflappable sweet woman from Chicago who cooks steady American food. Richard: good-natured chef from Atlanta with a ridiculous fauxhawk. He started out the season using flashy gastrotech crap like handheld mini-smokers and now just seems to do normal American food.

Other: Lisa: boo! hiss! villainous hideous evil woman seen above! and a bad cook! always accusing the other chefs of sabotaging her! how is she still in and not Antonia??? gag me with a handheld mini-smoker!

Dont call me on Wednesday. I'll be busy.

1 comment:

peginla said...

yeah...i hate her too. why she suck so much?