Thursday, December 11, 2008
Live London, Die Young

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thanksgiving: A Review
So the menu and the reviews:
Turkey: I tried the LATimes dry-brining recipe and let me tell you, dry-brining is the way forward. Totally juicy, totally firm/not fuzzy texture, tasty and and easy.
Mashed potatoes: An oversight. Lumpy.
Chestnut, Prune & Pancetta stuffing: Very tasty. Very good. Not good for you. Expertly executed by Executive VP of Thanksgiving, Laura.
Sunchoke Gratin: Easy and always a crowd pleaser.
Laura's Famous Pan-Roasted Brussel Sprouts: Love the little cabbagey-nuggets.
3-Day Turkey Gravy: I made the mistake of making the NYT "Turkey Gravy from Scratch" recipe. It was very good, but those are 3 days of my life I will never get back.
Rustic Apple Tarts: I almost ruined Thanksgiving with these freaking things. They sound easy, esp if you've bought the puff pastry, but there's plenty of opportunities to screw them up. Still, people were very indulgent and pretended like they liked them (after they scraped off the burnt bottom layer).
Pumpkin Spice Cake w Caramel Cream Cheese Frosting: Another star turn by Laura. I had another piece for breakfast this morning.
Wine: Laura brought a schmancy Ferrari-Carano Chardonnay which was yummy and really complimented the meal. I provided a St Supery Virtu - a white Meritage blend. That was slightly less successful.
All in all, a very enjoyable culinary outing. Pictures to come.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
The Silver Lining
I watched our President-elect's press conference yday and noticed one of his advisors is the chairman of the board of my company. I have met him (the chairman) several times, including one memorable time in Davos when we were invited to dance with him, and he is quite possibly one of the coolest humans alive. He is a Republican, but apparently pulled a Joe Lieberman on McCain and supported O. Anyway, the 2 of them together in an administration might exceed nationally-recognized coolness limits - seriously I think if you took their body temperatures together they would not add up to 98.6.
The man has his own vineyard.
I rest my case.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Guest blogger: Laura the Badmother

Yes - I am recovering from the Disney orgy otherwise known as Disney on Ice. After watching an ice skating performance no better than when Rachel used to ice skate, and people literally throwing up money to purchase piece of crap plastic toys that light up, I wondered where did I go wrong as a parent that I am actually paying money for my daughter to be corrupted even further by Disney princesses. Although watching a five year old high as a kite on $10 cotton candy (yes, you get a crap crown with ears too)saying, "How do they balance like that?" is a plus. On the car ride home, I began to ponder where my downward spiral into horrible mother began. Driving in the rain I began to plan my redemption. I was going to take Soph out of public school, enroll her in Waldorf, sign her up to volunteer in a soup kitchen, and god forbid, join a church. My plans were interrupted by a voice from the 2nd row seat of the minivan. Sophia then said that if she were one of the Incredibles and she was able to have a super power she would pick the power "to make people's boo-boos go away."
Well - I must be doing something right. Good - I can't afford Waldorf anyway.
Friday, October 31, 2008
OMG OMG Election Fever!
Just got back from work trip to NYC. The election night set is gigantasaurus. I thought at first that it must be bigger than my apartment, but OF COURSE it is bigger than my apartment. Actually, it is so large, it is bigger than my last 3 apartments combined. If I liked the red white and blue color scheme more, I might ask to live there in lieu of my dwinding 401k. I could sleep under the exit poll desk, and put the kitchen in under the magic map. Wolf & Anderson would drop by every 2 years between the hours of 5p and 10p for a drink and a chat about politics.
I had a lovely dinner with my mom who happened to be in town. We ate a grownup restaurant called Dovetail on the Upper West Side. I was so broke the entire time I lived in NYC, but I imagined that people with real jobs who made real money ate at places like this. All tasteful neutrals on the walls and truffles on the plate. We ordered the tasting menu. Most of the food was very good (mmm brussell sprout, apple, pancetta & manchego salad and house smoked salmon wrapped around wasabi panna cotta amuse bouche) and some weak (grilled lobster and grapefruit appetizer and prime rib). Didnt rock my world, but a really nice dinner.
Other non-work distractions: I had coffee w Q (he's ok), and tromped out to Brooklyn in the pouring rain to meet the brand new Ben Kafka (he's cute). I guessed that the neighborhood has changed somewhat since I lived there, but WOW has it changed. There's a WINE BAR for chrissakes.
NY can sometimes feel like a Wes Anderson movie. Driving in from JFK, I had a Haitian cab driver listening to a radio show featuring Quebecois sea shanties. Seriously.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Rachel's Rules for Debt-Free Living
1. Dont buy shit. Dont buy "shit" as in crappy crap that you dont need and "shit" in the sense of dont buy anything at all, ever. Its hard, but you get used to it.
2. Marry a husband that can live off air and the flesh of small insects if the need arises. It helps that he (occasionally) has a job, but the fact that he doesnt seem to have any material desires whatsoever is helpful.
3. Make your parents pay for college. I did, and it works. It helped that I didnt get into any of the horrifyingly expensive private colleges I applied to and was forced to go to a state school, but now I'm just quibbling. They paid, and I came out of college able to wait long enough to get a job I actually like and pays me a fair amount of money. Which brings me to number 4.
4. Get a job that pays you a fair amount of money. Its nice to be a community organizer, but Obama was a community organizer and he's never been able to live it down. Become a banker. At least when you get laid off, you'll get a golden parachute.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008
I dont want to lose you
I got busy at work, had to travel, but that's really just an excuse.
This election is overwhelming in so many ways: every day I go to work and every day the story is wilder and weirder and faster than when I went to bed. You could not script this stuff. Truth is, indeed, much, much stranger than fiction. The election was given to us by the News Gods, but now please stop the world because I would like to get off (for a little while, at least).
Then, as if the election isnt enough to keep even a serious case of ADD in check, then comes a global financial meltdown. And Madonna is getting a divorce! The sky really is falling!
I cant keep up. And more importantly, I probably shouldnt. My esteemed employer has some pretty strict rules about what I can talk about in the public sphere and they tend to be quite religious (if you forgive the phrase) about enforcing them. I like my job. I like my health insurance. I like my (ever-dwindling) 401k. So I cant really talk about what I think of this insane election. The meltdown has become pretty politicized as well, so prob should not talk about that either (although I do think the Bailout was a fundamental failure of democracy, but I mean that in a populist, Lou Dobbsian, I-hate-everyone-equally kind of way. So sue me.). With all the really important, really heavy things going on in the world at the moment, I felt a little Marie Antoinette-y writing about a nice restaurant we went to for my bday (Hatfields) or the latest tv (Korto should have won "Project Runway") or my latest fabulous/glamorous holiday (er, none).
Anyway, it has become clear to me that the world is going to continue being weird so that should probably not stand in the way of my totally inane ramblings. So I'm back. Sort of.
Pass the cupcakes.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Hunkering Down

Still here.
The hurricane is moving in, so I'm working the weekend. That will put a crimp on exploring Atlanta's substantial charms, but hey I'm here to work.
At least my hotel is nice - nice gym, nice pool, a kitchen etc. Plus, it is, apparently, a hot spot. Every night when I get home the parking lot is full of Bentleys and Ferraris and the bar is crowded with professional athletes - or at least I assume they are professional athletes because they are GINORMOUS. Lots and lots of very gigantic men with little drinks in their oversized paws and women who would benefit from a proper bra fitting because the cup sizes appear to be too small for them.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I'm pouting.
I watched, despite myself, the new 90210. Horrifying. The female actresses are so painfully thin, they make the women of Gossip Girl look zaftig. Plus they are all kitted out in tank tops and hot pants the whole time so I was forced to look at their chicken arms. Yuck. I made it to the point where the bobblehead with the big teeth got angry/upset/indigestion at the bobblehead with the heroin-addict eyes before I started hoping that some creature from a Guillermo del Toro movie would land on the boy(?i think?) bobblehead and munch on an eyeball. Yucky. And how the HELL did that kid who was so amazing on The Wire drop into this. Fire your agent, kid.
I am headed to SF tomorrow morn to meet up with the inestimable Verna. She is there for some emergency medicine conference, I am there for the burritos. We are having dinner at the Zuni Cafe on Saturday, so I can find out if my roast chicken has reached the heady heights.
Then I soldier on to the Mothership, arriving just before what looks like a major hurricane is supposed to hit the eastern seabord. I will require constant infusions of pep talkery, so please give generously.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Meet The Blueberry

Our new toy!! Our new Smart Car finally came in and I've been making it feel at home. When I drove it around LA this weekend, people waved at me like I was a parade float and came up to me in parking lots to ask about the car. It definitely makes people (and me) smile.
The ride is a bit rougher than I remembered from the test drive, and it has the acceleration of an angry golf cart, but it is better on the hills and has a lot higher clearance than the Prius. Gas mileage is roughly the same (Prius is marginally better). I was too nervous the first few days to take it on the Big Bad LA Highways, but actually it is just fine. Because you sit so high in the car, you can look all the SUV and monster truck drivers in the eye so they can see you much better. I did get it up to 80 on the I-10 last night. Once it gets going, the Blueberry can shift.
Funny that I started out my driving life about 20 years ago with Blue Thunder, a gigantic 1973 Pontiac Catalina given to me by my Grandpa Jack. It was royal blue - almost the exact same color as the Blueberry - with a white leather interior vs. the Blueberry's black leather interior. And Blue Thunder didnt have satellite navigation and an ipod dock.
In other news, Iain looks like he will be back from the desert in mid-September, earlier than we thought, so that's good. I am meeting Verna in SF this weekend, and then I'm off to Hotlanta for 2 weeks for work. I always seem to land in Atlanta during hurricane season. Hopefully the windows on my hotel room wont blow out this time.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Facebook has eaten my creativity
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Laura's Dinner Night: A Review
I started in Sacramento at my sister’s. Laura and her friends have a rotating dinner club where each couple makes dinner for the others on the first Saturday of each month. It’s a great idea, and Laura apparently makes the most of the opportunity everytime her turn comes round. Her past themes have been classic French feast and Greek home cooking, while her friends have gone with Make-Your-own Pizza night and Classic American BBQ (for July 4th, natch). Chuck’s garden and the bountiful Sacramento farmers markets are in almost-full glory, so she chose a “home farm” theme.

The menu:
Cheese plate w figs and black olive tapenade
Chuck’s stuffed zucchini blossoms (from his garden!)
Rachel’s fried green tomatoes
Grilled Flank Steak w Watermelon-chili relish
Zucchini fettucine
Israeli couscous and quinoa “risotto” w roasted vegetables
Peach blueberry & amaretti crisp.

The zucchini blossoms were, of course, a massive hit, as was the flank steak. We probably made way too much of the watermelon relish, but it was great w the steak anyway. A friend of Laura’s brought some really delicious French wines that were a great complement to the spicy steak and the full-flavored accompaniments. I had a ball sous chef-ing for Laura and even if the food had been wack, it was still worth the effort. A very pleasant evening.

Next: Our intrepid heroine heads north to the wilds of Southern Oregon…and finds roasted quail bliss!
Monday, August 18, 2008
I havent forgotten you...

My birthday festivities: dinner at Chichen Itza with some friends and then, fortified by cochinita pibil, drinks at Mountain Bar. A very enjoyable, if a little random, evening. Chichen Itza is a foodie Mexican place that specializes in Yucatecan cuisine. It was surprisingly good. The restaurant is near MacArthur Park, which meant I was not allowed a birthday cake because -- wait for it -- someone left it out in the rain. I dont think that I can take it. Because it took so long to bake it.
I will have a more full review of my holiday later on, but I leave you with this one pearl of joy....
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Take Your Sophie to Work Day
(Click on album to see the evidence)
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Take Your Sophie To Work Day |
Monday, July 28, 2008
My weekend with the moderately-priced stars
Saturday I got my hair cut and who was in the chair next to me? None other than Shia LaBoeuf. He appeared to be entirely sober at the time. Later: X-Files (my review: Meh.) and dinner at Gingergrass Cafe (mmmm love Vietnamese summer rolls)later w my Home Slice. Who should jump in front of us in the queue for a table? None other than John C Reilly. Very cute and fluffy (big hair) in person, but I was really hungry. Jumping was uncool.
Sunday a lovely brunch at Matt and Rachel's - bagels & lox and farmer's market fruit. I brought my hash brown casserole and I'm happy to report that not one ingredient was not from a bag or can.
Sunday night we went w Shana, Peg, and Erica to the Gnarls Barkley concert at the Hollywood Bowl. Shana works there now and scored us front-row middle seats. It might just ruin me for live music forever. Once I've sat there...how can I be content with nosebleed seats anymore? Anyway, both Gnarls and the opening band, a Senegalese singer name Fallou Dieng, were FAB. Pix below.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Dave's Best of 2007 List
Obsessive? Nahhhhh
1. JENS LEKMAN - Night Falls Over Kortedala (Service Sweden/Secretly Canadian)
2. VARIOUS ARTISTS - I’m Not There Original Soundtrack (Sony)
3. AMY WINEHOUSE - Back To Black (Island UK ‘06/Universal Republic)
4. LCD SOUNDSYSTEM - Sound Of Silver (DFA/Capitol)
5. VIC CHESNUTT - North Star Deserter (Constellation)
6. KANYE WEST - Graduation (Roc-A-Fella/Def Jam)
7. JARVIS COCKER - Jarvis (Rough Trade)
8. ELLIOTT SMITH - New Moon (Kill Rock Stars)
9. M.I.A. - Kala (XL/Interscope)
10. NEW MODEL ARMY - High (Attack Attack)
11. ELECTRELANE - No Shouts No Calls (Too Pure)
12. GRINDERMAN - Grinderman (Mute/Anti-)
13. EL-P - I’ll Sleep When You’re Dead (Definitive Jux)
14. EMMA POLLOCK - Watch The Fireworks (4AD)
15. DINOSAUR JR. - Beyond (Fat Possum)
16. THE TWILIGHT SAD - Fourteen Autumns & Fifteen Winters (FatCat)
17. KRISTIN HERSH - Learn To Sing Like A Star (Yep Roc)
18. BABYSHAMBLES - Shotter’s Nation (Regal/Parlophone/EMI UK/Astralwerks)
19. BILL CALLAHAN - Woke On A Whaleheart (Drag City)
20. ST. VINCENT - Marry Me (Beggars Banquet)
21. THURSTON MOORE - Trees Outside The Academy (Ecstatic Peace!)
22. ROBERT WYATT - Comicopera (Domino)
23. MAXIMO PARK - Our Earthly Pleasures (Warp)
24. SPOON - Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga (Merge)
25. RICHARD HAWLEY - Lady’s Bridge (Mute)
26. WILCO - Sky Blue Sky (Nonesuch)
27. ARCADE FIRE - Neon Bible (Merge)
28. SHARON JONES & THE DAP-KINGS - 100 Days, 100 Nights (Daptone)
29. RICHARD THOMPSON - Sweet Warrior (Shout Factory)
30. EDWYN COLLINS - Home Again (Heavenly/EMI UK)
31. ELVIS PERKINS - Ash Wednesday (XL)
32. RILO KILEY - Under The Blacklight (Warner)
33. THE NEW PORNOGRAPHERS - Challengers (Matador)
34 THE CLIENTELE - God Save The Clientele (Merge)
35. OAKLEY HALL - I’ll Follow You (Merge)
36. MODEST MOUSE - We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank (Epic)
38. THE WHITE STRIPES - Icky Thump (Third Man/Warner)
39. MARY WEISS - Dangerous Game (Norton)
40. ARTHUR & YU - In Camera (Hardly Art)
1. Paper Planes - M.I.A. Kala (XL/Interscope)
2. Icky Thump - THE WHITE STRIPES Icky Thump (Third Man/Warner)
3. Don’t Let Him Waste Your Time - JARVIS COCKER Jarvis (Rough Trade)
4. Beautiful Girls - SEAN KINGSTON Sean Kingston (Beluga Heights/Koch/Epic)
5. North American Scum - LCD SOUNDSYSTEM Sound Of Silver (DFA/Capitol)
6. Almost Ready - DINOSAUR JR. Beyond (Fat Possum)
7. No Pussy Blues - GRINDERMAN Grinderman (Mute/Anti-)
8. A Postcard To Nina - JENS LEKMAN Night Falls Over Kortedala
(Service Sweden/Secretly Canadian)
9. Rehab - AMY WINEHOUSE Back To Black (Island UK ‘06/Universal Republic)
10. Just As You Are - ROBERT WYATT Comicopera (Domino)
11. If This Ain’t Love (Don’t Know What Is) - NICOLE WILLIS & THE SOUL
INVESTIGATORS Keep Reachin’ Up (Light In the Attic)
12. Someone Great - LCD SOUNDSYSTEM Sound Of Silver (DFA/Capitol)
13. Debriefing - VIC CHESNUTT North Star Deserter (Constellation)
14. The Opposite Of Hallelujah - JENS LEKMAN Night Falls Over Kortedala
(Service Sweden/Secretly Canadian)
15. Stronger - KANYE WEST Graduation (Roc-A-Fella/Def Jam)
16. To The East - ELECTRELANE No Shouts No Calls (Too Pure)
17. Sugarbaby - KRISTIN HERSH Learn To Sing Like A Star (Yep Roc)
18. High - NEW MODEL ARMY High (Attack Attack)
19. Budos Rising - THE BUDOS BAND The Budos Band II (Daptone)
20. Keep The Car Running - ARCADE FIRE Neon Bible (Merge)
21. I’m Not There - SONIC YOUTH I’m Not There Original Soundtrack (Sony)
22. Tonight I Have To Leave It - SHOUT OUT LOUDS Our Ill Wills (Bud Fox Sweden/Merge)
23. Myriad Harbour - THE NEW PORNOGRAPHERS Challengers (Matador)
24. Young Folks - PETER BJORN AND JOHN Writer’s Block
(V2 Scandinavia ‘06/Almost Gold)
25. Our Velocity - MAXIMO PARK Our Earthly Pleasures (Warp)
26. Grip Like A Vice - THE GO! TEAM Proof Of Youth (Memphis Industries UK/Sub Pop)
27. Fluorescent Adolescent - ARCTIC MONKEYS Favourite Worst Nightmare (Domino)
28. The Underdog - SPOON Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga (Merge)
29. Can’t Tell Me Nothing - KANYE WEST Graduation (Roc-A-Fella/Def Jam)
30. Take Care The Road You Choose - RICHARD THOMPSON Sweet Warrior
(Shout Factory)
31. Tasmanian Pain Coaster - EL-P I’ll Sleep When You’re Dead (Definitive Jux)
32. Shake It Off - WILCO Sky Blue Sky (Nonesuch)
33. Lip Gloss - LIL MAMA 12" single (Jive)
34. Here Comes The Phantom - THE CLIENTELE God Save The Clientele (Merge)
35. 23 - BLONDE REDHEAD 23 (4AD)
36. Goin’ To Acapulco - JIM JAMES & CALEXICO I’m Not There Original Soundtrack (Sony)
37. Take Me To The Riot - STARS In Our Bedroom After The War (Arts & Crafts)
38. He Keeps Me Alive - SALLY SHAPIRO Disco Romance (Diskokaine Austria/Paper Bag)
39. If Silence Means That Much To You - EMMA POLLOCK Watch The Fireworks (4AD)
40. Ex-Guru - THE FIERY FURNACES Widow City (Thrill Jockey)
41. Hatchet - LOW Drums And Guns (Sub Pop)
42. All Cleaned Out - ELLIOTT SMITH New Moon (Kill Rock Stars)
43. Walking For Two Hours - THE TWILIGHT SAD Fourteen Autumns & Fifteen Winters
44. Diamond Dancer - BILL CALLAHAN Woke On A Whaleheart (Drag City)
45. Valentine - RICHARD HAWLEY Lady’s Bridge (Mute)
46. Tears Dry On Their Own - AMY WINEHOUSE Back To Black
(Island UK ‘06/Universal Republic)
47. Umbrella - RIHANNA FEATURING JAY-Z Good Girl Gone Bad (SRP/Def Jam)
48. Carry On Up the Morning - BABYSHAMBLES Shotter’s Nation
(Regal/Parlophone/EMI UK/Astralwerks)
49. 100 Days, 100 Nights - SHARON JONES & THE DAP-KINGS 100 Days, 100
Nights (Daptone)
50. Earth Intruders - BJORK Volta (Atlantic)
51. Lionkiller - CASS MCCOMBS Dropping The Writ (Domino)
52. Now, Now - ST. VINCENT Marry Me (Beggars Banquet)
53. Familj - DUNGEN Tio Bitar (Subliminal Sounds Sweden/Kemado)
54. Down Boy - YEAH YEAH YEAHS Is Is (Dress Up/Interscope)
55. Frozen Gtr - THURSTON MOORE Trees Outside The Academy (Ecstatic Peace!)
56. Make A Plan To Love Me - BRIGHT EYES Cassadaga (Saddle Creek)
57. The Rhinohead - VON SUDENFED Tromatic Reflexxions (Domino)
58. Nothin No - DAVID VANDERVELDE The Moonstation House Band (Secretly Canadian)
59. Heartbreak - CELEBRATION The Modern Tribe (4AD)
60. Box - TOKYO POLICE CLUB Smith (Paper Bag)
61. Ordinary People - NEIL YOUNG Chrome Dreams II (Reprise)
62. Dashboard - MODEST MOUSE We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank (Epic)
63. An End Has A Start - EDITORS An End Has A Start (Epic/Kitchenware/Fader)
64. Do I Disappoint You - RUFUS WAINWRIGHT Release The Stars (Geffen)
65. Absurd Heroes Manifestos - ARTHUR & YU In Camera (Hardly Art)
66. Melody Day - CARIBOU Andorra (Merge)
67. Kookaburra - JOHN VANDERSLICE Emerald City (Barsuk)
68. White Hole - CHRISTINA ROSENVINGE Continental 62 (Smells Like)
69. Fake Empire - THE NATIONAL Boxer (Beggars Banquet)
70. Mobile Communication - BRAKESBRAKESBRAKES The Beatific Visions (Rough Trade)
71. Phantom Limb - THE SHINS Wincing The Night Away (Sub Pop)
72. For Reverend Green - ANIMAL COLLECTIVE Strawberry Jam (Domino)
73. Walk Around - GHOSTFACE KILLAH The Big Doe Rehab (Def Jam)
74. While You Were Sleeping - ELVIS PERKINS Ash Wednesday (XL)
75. Bomb.Repeat.Bomb. - TED LEO AND THE PHARMACISTS Living With The Living
(Touch And Go)
76. Ruby - KAISER CHIEFS Yours Truly, Angry Mob (B-Unique UK/Universal Motown)
77. 15 Step - RADIOHEAD In Rainbows (self-released)
78. Stop And Think It Over - MARY WEISS Dangerous Game (Norton)
79. Silver Lining - RILO KILEY Under The Blacklight (Warner)
80. Free Radicals Lament - OAKLEY HALL I’ll Follow You (Merge)
81. Livin’ In The Future - BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN Magic (Columbia)
82. Home Again - EDWYN COLLINS Home Again (Heavenly/EMI UK)
83. In The Human World - MAGNOLIA ELECTRIC CO. Sojourner (Secretly Canadian)
84. Wonderlust King - GOGOL BORDELLO Super Taranta! (Side One Dummy)
85. No One - ALICIA KEYS As I Am (J)
86. Civil War - JOE HENRY Civilians (Anti-)
87. The Songs That We Sing - CHARLOTTE GAINSBOURG 5:55
(Because Music France/Vice)
88. Threshold Apprehension - BLACK FRANCIS Bluefinger (Cooking Vinyl)
89. Pump Up The Volume - ART BRUT It’s A Bit Complicated
(Banana/Fierce Panda UK/Downtown)
90. Seize The Day - ADAM FRANKLIN Bolts Of Melody (Hi-Speed Soul)
91. Wolves - PHOSPHORESCENT Pride (Dead Oceans)
92. The Past Is A Grotesque Animal - OF MONTREAL Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer?
93. Business Time - FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS The Distant Future (Sub Pop)
94. There She Goes Again - RICHARD LLOYD The Radiant Monkey (Parasol)
95. The Dance - P.G. SIX Slightly Sorry (Drag City)
96. Harvest (Within You) - CLINIC Visitations (Domino UK ‘06)
TOWER OF POWER Desire (SRC/Universal Motown)
98. Green Fields - THE GOOD, THE BAD & THE QUEEN The Good, The Bad And The Queen (Parlophone/EMI UK/Virgin)
99. You Can’t Hold The Hand Of A Rock And Roll Man - OKKERVIL RIVER The Stage Names (Jagjaguwar)
100.1234 - FEIST The Reminder (Cherrytree/Interscope)
The Top 10 EPs Of 2007
1. YEAH YEAH YEAHS - Is Is (Dress Up/Interscope)
2. TOKYO POLICE CLUB - Smith (Paper Bag)
3. FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS - The Distant Future (Sub Pop)
4. BEIRUT - Lon Gisland (Ba Da Bing!)
5. THE WOMBATS - The Wombats (KIDS In America)
6. ARCTIC MONKEYS - Brianstorm (Domino)
7. BRITISH SEA POWER - Krankenhaus? (Rough Trade)
8. MATT POND PA - If You Want Blood (Altitude)
9. LAVENDER DIAMOND - The Cavalry Of Light (Matador)
10. DEERHUNTER - Fluorescent Grey EP (Kranky)
Monday, July 21, 2008
A Surprising Discovery
My 5-year old niece is a middle-aged gay man.
The evidence: She is obsessed with Project Runway. We played Project Runway (it is a game, apparently) and tried to find designer creations in my kid-unfriendly closet. She informed me that "I dont wear black" and "I need something with more sparkle". She played Heidi Klum and told me my model-walk was "too hippy". Also, she wants to see "Mamma Mia". I rest my case.
Friday, July 11, 2008
This is what it is like to work in television
"The film studio of today is really the Palace of the 16th century. There one sees what Shakespeare saw; the absolute power of the tyrant, the courtiers, the flatterers, the jesters, the cunningly ambitious intriguers. There are fantastically beautiful women, there are incompetent favorites. There are great men who are suddenly disgraced. There is the most insane extravagance and unexpected parsimony over a few pence. There is enormous splendor, which is a sham; and also horrible squalor hidden behind the scenery. There are vast schemes, abandoned because of some caprice. There are secrets which everybody knows and no one speaks of. There are even two or three honest advisers. These are the court fools, who speak the deepest wisdom in puns, lest they should be taken seriously. They grimace, and tear their hair privately, and weep"
From Christopher Isherwood’s Prater Violet
The Nippers are In Da House
Pictures to come.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Pimped-out Smart Car

Friday, July 4, 2008
Fun with Pomegranates

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
More Adventures with my Imaginary Friends

Monday, June 30, 2008
The Reason Why Soccer Isnt Big in America

Friday, June 27, 2008
A Curse on all Bees
Annnnyway, Iain has decided we are having people over on Saturday for drinks in an attempt to drain the ocean of leftover alcohol moldering in our basement. I am going to attempt a cocktail called Panty Dropper Punch which involves tequila and Red Bull. KIDDING. I'll probably make some grilled marinated chicken thighs, grilled sweet potatoes with lime, and watermelon feta salad. I'm harassing Joanna again for her old-fashioned potato salad recipe. Hers is the best I've had. I will also make my show-stopping, knock your socks off, peach and blueberry amaretti crisp.
Or maybe I'll just drink an entire bottle of white wine before people show up and order pizza.
Have a good weekend!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Hotter than the surface of the sun
"You'll eat hamburgers year after year and live in dusty vermin-infested apartments and hotels, but every morning you'll see the mighty sun, the eternal blue of the sky, and the streets frull of sleek women you never will possess, and the hot semi-tropical nights will reek of romance you'll never have, but you'll still be in paradise, boys, in the land of sunshine."
Friday, June 20, 2008
Storm's Pictures
Monday, June 16, 2008
I Am An Extraordinary Machine

Friday, June 13, 2008
Kevin Garnett should be my friend

Thursday, June 12, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Haikus with Peg

Thank you for message
I am going to buy t shirt
Snort snort snort snort snort
awesometown my friend
but now i must bounce already
bounce, BOUNCE, i say girl!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Where the buffalo play...

Monday, June 9, 2008
Top Cheftastic

Thursday, June 5, 2008
Thank you
Back, but I'm still recovering. Actually that's not entirely fair: "recovering" makes it sound like I have some exotic phlegm-causing virus. I am doing what every other person does when they take a week off: not showering very often and watching endless "Law & Order" reruns on TNT. Iain tried to salvage what was left of The Surge and brought the extra cupcakes to work. I'm sure that made him more popular at work, but it didnt make him more popular around here.
Meanboy asked me to try and be sincere, so here goes: WOW. That was fun. I had such an amazing time. I think that everything went off almost completely without a hitch (Maroon 5-gate and The Doorless Shuttle notwithstanding). I am so lucky to have a wonderful man like Iain and wonderful family and friends to share my wondeful life with. I loved having everybody from the different parts of my life in one place at one time in such a beautiful place. There are so many really funny moments coming back to me: Linda and the Red Bull on her back, Joanna's tales of her flying circus, and Storm's "MOVE!". Anyway, enough gushing. But thank you thank you thank you.
One piece of housecleaning: send me your pictures. I never quite got around to getting those wedding-themed disposable cameras on each tables and I want to see your best shots. John The Hot Photographer will send me his pix, and I will post some of them here, but send me your cool ones in the meantime. I'm not sure my beleaguered work email server can handle massive emails, so it might be better if you upload them to Picasa or the Costco website and send me the link so I can link them. If you are feeling industrious you can send me the pix on a CD. As if you havent done enough work already.
Ok I have to get back to L&O now. Its the one with Joe Piscopo as the evil radio talk show host.
But snark-free
No bullshit
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Triangle of Life
My name is Doug Copp. I am the Rescue Chief and Disaster Manager of the American Rescue Team International (ARTI), the world's most experienced rescue team. The information in this article will save lives in an earthquake.
I have crawled inside 875 collapsed buildings, worked with rescue teams from 60 countries, founded rescue teams in several countries, and I am a member of many rescue teams from many countries.I was the United Nations expert in Disaster Mitigation for two years. I have worked at every major disaster in the world since 1985, except for simultaneous disasters.
The first building I ever crawled inside of was a school in Mexico City during the 1985 earthquake. Every child was under its desk. Every child was crushed to the thickness of their bones. They could have survived by lying down next to their desks in the aisles. It was obscene, unnecessary and I wondered why the children were not in the aisles. I didn't at the timeknow that the children were told to hide under something.
Simply stated, when buildings collapse, the weight of the ceilings falling upon the objects or furniture inside crushes these objects, leaving a space or void next to them. This space is what I call the "triangle of life". The larger the object, the stronger, the less it will compact. The less the object compacts, the larger the void, the greater the probability that the person who is using this void for safety will not be injured. The next time you watch collapsed buildings, on television, count the "triangles" you see formed. They are everywhere. It is the most common shape, you will see, in a collapsed building.
1) Most everyone who simply "ducks and covers" WHEN BUILDINGS COLLAPSE are crushed to death. People who get under objects, like desks or cars, are crushed.
2) Cats, dogs and babies often naturally curl up in the fetal position.You should too in an earthquake. It is a natural safety/survival instinct. You can survive in a smaller void. Get next to an object, next to a sofa, next to a large bulky object that will compress slightly but leave a void next to it.
3) Wooden buildings are the safest type of construction to be in during an earthquake. Wood is flexible and moves with the force of the earthquake. If the wooden building does collapse, large survival voids are created.Also, the wooden building has less concentrated, crushing weight. Brick buildings will break into individual bricks. Bricks will cause many injuries but less squashed bodies than concrete slabs.
4) If you are in bed during the night and an earthquake occurs, simply roll off the bed. A safe void will exist around the bed. Hotels can achieve a much greater survival rate in earthquakes, simply by posting a sign on The back of the door of every room telling occupants to lie down on the floor, next to the bottom of the bed during an earthquake.
5) If an earthquake happens and you cannot easily escape by getting out the door or window, then lie down and curl up in the fetal position next to a sofa, or large chair.
6) Most everyone who gets under a doorway when buildings collapse is killed. How? If you stand under a doorway and the doorjamb falls forward or backward you will be crushed by the ceiling above. If the door jam falls sideways you will be cut in half by the doorway. In either case, you will be killed!
7) Never go to the stairs. The stairs have a different "moment of frequency" (they swing separately from the main part of the building).The stairs and remainder of the building continuously bump into each other until structural failure of the stairs takes place. The people who get on stairs before they fail are chopped up by the stair treads – horribly mutilated. Even if the building doesn't collapse, stay away from the stairs. The stairs are a likely part of the building to be damaged. Even if the stairs are not collapsed by the earthquake, they may collapse later when overloaded by fleeing people. They should always be checked for safety, even when the rest of the building is not damaged.
8) Get Near the Outer Walls Of Buildings Or Outside Of Them If Possible - It is much better to be near the outside of the building rather than the interior. The farther inside you are from the outside perimeter of the building the greater the probability that your escape route will be blocked.
9) People inside of their vehicles are crushed when the road above falls in an earthquake and crushes their vehicles; which is exactly what happened with the slabs between the decks of the Nimitz Freeway. The victims of the San Francisco earthquake all stayed inside of their vehicles. They were all killed. They could have easily survived by getting out and sitting or lying next to their vehicles. Everyone killed would have survived if they had been able to get out of their cars and sit or lie next to them. All the crushed cars had voids 3 feet high next to them, except for the cars that had columns fall directly across them.
10) I discovered, while crawling inside of collapsed newspaper offices and other offices with a lot of paper, which does not compact.Large voids are found surrounding stacks of paper. [ed. newspaper is not dead!]
Monday, May 19, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Gentrification = Frozen Yogurt
If you are planning coming to the festivities out west, please give me a shout if you are coming to the Thursday BBQ. REM is playing at the Hollywood Bowl that night and parking will be a nightmare. I will try to organize some sort of carpooling. There's also some back routes for you to take to avoid the crazy traffic. Sigh.
Iain has been driving to work so I'm walking to work. Obviously the extra physical activity is probably good. Plus, I am getting a real street-level view of Hollywood. I walk down Hollywood Boulevard/Walk of Stars which sounds good. In reality, the Walk of Stars is a collection of grim tshirt and drug paraphernalia shops and smells like urine most of the time. Ah the smell of urine in the morning...brings me right back to London. And Brooklyn. Hollywood is supposedly gentrifying quickly, and there are a shocking number of fancy frozen yogurt shops, but there is very little glamour.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Mama likes grits

Picture above of us at Dodger game yesterday. Lovely day, but a couple setbacks: a woman sitting in front of us got hit in the face by a ball (Happy Mother's Day!) and her face exploded; it was far too sunny and my scalp is sunburned; and the Dodgers sucked ass. Still, the beer was free, thanks to my most generous employer. .
I was in Hotlanta last week for a work do held at the Georgia Aquarium. One of the conference rooms was attached to, yes, the shark tank. We all went bowling at night. There are pictures of me in a bowling shirt that makes me look like a lesbian Laverne De Fazio, if that's not redundant. I did get to spend time with friends from London (Sonia, Meara, Penny) which was awesome. We had a girls night out at a restaurant called Two Urban Licks: I had the scallops with smoked gouda grits and a Amador county Zin. Mmmm grits. Mama likes grits.
The jacaranda trees are in bloom in Los Angeles now. They have these massive totally surreal purple flowers. Showoffs.
Monday, May 5, 2008
The Anti-Bucket List
- Heroin
- Watched a Woody Allen movie willingly
- Worn a tube top
- Cried when I don’t really mean it
- Eaten a bug (knowingly)
- Read a Thomas Friedman editorial and said to myself “wow!”
- Gone rock climbing
- Ordered something “extra spicy”
Friday, May 2, 2008
Crazed Vicious Animal Trifecta!

First the Killer Grizzly Bear, then the Man-eating Great White Shark, and today...I get this email from one of our editors:
"Ok it’s not a dingo but here’s the deal:
According to KCAL, a 14 month year old girl was playing at Alterra park in the City of Chino Hills when the nanny turned around and saw what she calls a coyote attacking the child.
They don’t have any other information at this time except to say there doesn’t seem to be much of a scene except an empty playground.
We’ll continue to monitor-"
UPDATE: I'm not f-ing around here, people. Here's the official press release from the police.
On Friday, May 2, 2008, at approximately 10:30 a.m., a two-year old female toddler was playing in the sandbox at Altura Park in the City of Chino Hills. She was in the care of her babysitter. The babysitter suddenly heard her cry, looked up, and saw a lone coyote had bitten the toddler on the buttocks and was attempting to carry her away in its mouth. The babysitter grabbed the child and pulled it away from the coyote’s grasp. After the toddler was freed, the coyote ran off into the nearby brush. Chino Hills Deputies, along with San Bernardino County Animal Control conducted an area check for the coyote however they were unable to locate the animal. California State Fish and Game responded to the scene in an attempt to capture the animal.
The toddler sustained two small puncture wounds to the right buttocks area. She was transported to a local area hospital by paramedics for medical evaluation and treatment."
Laura - PorkChop better WATCH OUT. He's awfully succulent.Monday, April 28, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Its not me, its you.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Bear Bites Man
Monday, April 21, 2008
Everybody likes spicy sausage balls!

I also got a chance to try out New Sammy's Cowboy Bistro, which I had been curious about since I found out about it. According to some, it is one of best restaurants in the West. It is owned and run by a couple from SF - she used to work at Chez Panisse and he was a wine importer. They had a very well-regarded restaurant north of SF, but it crashed and burned rather spectacularly and they ran to Oregon with creditors and the IRS nipping at their heels. Now, NSCB is supposed to be a down-home French-style bistro where they grow most of the herbs and veg out back. Mom had a bad experience there some years ago (attitude!), so she has not been back. I finally convinced her to give it another shot.
Disappointing, in a word. My starter, grilled calamari stuffed w dungeness crab and rhubarb-kumquat relish, was boring and flavorless. I had lamb loin chops (gristly and tough) with blackmint risotto for my main. Both would have been ok if Mom had made them at home, but they were both expensive so I sort of hoped the dishes would get up off the plate and do a little dance for me. Mom and Victor ordered a goat cheese ravioli with wild leeks and served with a truffle flan. Except there was no truffle flan. Then the response when asked was "oh there was a miscommunication between me [the server] and the kitchen" - I file that response under "Your Problem/Not Mine". The answer in this situation is always "Sorry, how can I make you feel less like we just pulled a fast one on you". Anyway, by that time we were underwhelmed by the whole experience (although the suggested Cotes du Rhone with the lamb was fab) so we skipped dessert (! I know!) and toddled off. Ashland has much nicer comparably priced restaurants to put up with that drama. I shant be back.
On a separate note, some people have asked me about a friend of mine who is currently going through a bit of a tough time. He's ok. Thanks for asking.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Look out below!

Friday, April 11, 2008
My Unruly Brows
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
The Surge continues
Gen David Petraeus: "Like Ambassador Crocker, I believe [Rachel's paunch] will require a long-term effort. There are no easy answers or quick solutions. And although we both believe this effort can succeed, it will take time."
Ryan Crocker, Amb to Iraq: "I do believe that [Rachel] has the will to tackle [her] pressing problems - although it will take longer than we originally anticipated because of the environment, [wine and chocolate], and the gravity of the issues before [her]."
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.: "Today it is possible to talk with real hope and optimism about the future of [Rachel's ass] and the outcome of her efforts there. For while the job of [making her ass smaller] is not finished, ...she's no longer staring into the abyss of defeat and we can now look ahead to the genuine prospect of [a trim ass]."
Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill. : "The problem I have is if the definition of success is so high: no traces of [cellulite] and no possibility of reconstitution, a highly effective [workout program], Democratic multiethnic, multi-sectarian functioning [flat abs], ... then that portends the possibility of [her dieting] for 20 or 30 years. If, on the other hand, our criteria is a messy, sloppy [size 16] status quo but there's not, you know, huge outbreaks of [fried foods] ... that seems to me an achievable goal within a measurable timeframe."
Friday, April 4, 2008
Real Estate Porn

Monday, March 31, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
An Open Love Letter to Michael Bay

I love you. Your asteroid movie was definitely the best one. Pearl Harbor introduced the US to Kate Beckinsale, and she seems to have done quite nicely out of it. The Rock was fun, seriously (except the bit where all the good guys get shot on Alcatraz – that was mean). ScarJo looked amazing in that white jumpsuit in The Island. I liked Transformers, even if sometimes I couldn’t tell who was a bad robot and who was a good robot. I don’t believe anything I read on the web about your management style. I think you are fierce – in the Tyra Banks, America’s Next Top Model-way.
That is all.
Love, Me
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
When Farmer's Markets Attack
Percatelli with grilled sardines, garlic breadcrumbs, and blood oranges. A Nigel Slater recipe. It was foul. Rank. Blech. It tasted like the pasta was tossed in fishy sand with a bitter warm blobs to charm it up. I dont think it was my fault (recipe clearly flawed) and I refuse to take responsibility.
Hopefully tonight's spring pea and prosciutto risotto will compensate.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
The Jessica Biel of Sushi

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Mrs. Party Grumpy is won over by sugar and hydrogenated fats
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Princess Di aint got nothing on me
Well, not really.
I am finding the wedding industry incredibly dispiriting, so am skipping most of it. I have the advantage of not actually getting married, so can skip things. I met with the florist - nice, seems to be able to stick to a rather tight budget. Here's the one I liked best from her book. Too bright? Do I care? I dont know. I'm meeting w the dessert woman today. This is an excuse to eat lots of gooey things - and to think that Iain does not want to come with. Check it out here and let me know if there's anything that looks especially good to you. Next, I am sorting out transport. Very glamorous, this wedding shit.
Iain is doing amazingly well, thanks to all who have asked. He can be a total infant when he gets a cold, but he has turned into Clint f-ing Eastwood after this surgery. He REFUSES to take the prescribed Vicodin (relax - its already spoken for) because he has this ridiculous belief that "pain is your body trying to tell you something". Personally, I'm pretty sure we dont need his body to send us an email and know why his knee hurts. THEY CUT IT OPEN. Oh well - its his pain, not mine.
Breaking Sewage News
Iain has just informed me that the men digging up our sewer outside have hit a power line. The neighborhood is rioting in the street in their nightgowns (or as much as a bunch of second assistant directors and out of work screenwriters in nightgowns can riot at 1030am). I asked him to take pictures of the hilarity for your blog pleasure, but he trotted out the damn knee excuse. What a poser.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Up to Date
We went to dinner last Saturday night at a yakitori (Japanese BBQ) to celebrate friend Rachel's bday. Nice food, but there is something disconcerting about a menu with multiple entrail offerings. I am a relatively adventurous eater, but there's not a lot about grilled chicken knuckle cartilage that reaches out to me.
The Hollywood Farmer's Market is in full Spring mode. I'm very excited about the leeks and swiss chard. I attempted to recreate the Platonic Ideal Grilled Cheese with the leeks and some Montgomery Cheddar from La Brea Bakery. MMMM. I roasted some tomatoes and used the swiss chard in my go-to dish of Grandma Sausages braised in wine with wild mushroom polenta (the dried porcinis from the Portland Farmer's Market). Iain juiced the beets before I could get my sweaty hands on them. The fun veg is not in yet, but you can see the glimmer of what's coming!
Iain has surgery on his old man knees tomorrow. Wish him luck!
RIP The Wire. Finales are always a bit of a disappointment, but this was still pretty true to the overarching theme: life is messy and shit doesnt work. SPOILER ALERT if you have not watched, stop now. I loved the way they ended the Marlo storyline, although I could not quite buy that he would just walk away from it. I did love the savage licking the blood off his arm after being shot - he's just an animal in the end. I was disappointed that they let McNulty off the hook completely but I suppose after all this time the writers had fallen a little bit in love with him. The Wire can be so difficult to watch, I guess you cant begrudge them for giving some of the characters a happy-ish ending. Dukie...oh that storyline really bums me out. One upside of The Wire ending is that we dont have to watch Dukie commit suicide in slow motion with a needle in his arm.
I am falling more and more in love with Lost every week. I was never a huge fan, but this season has really won me over. I think Lost is a little like golf - you probably enjoy it more if you are better at it or have been watching it since the beginning, but you can still enjoy it if you are just jumping in now. I also believe smart shows should be rewarded.
Another one to watch out for: the Sarah Connor Chronicles really perked up towards the end of its first season. I think it might end up being pretty good.
That's it for now.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
The Hangover
We went to a birthday dinner for friend Faith at a new fancypants brasserie in LA called Comme Ca. Actually its not that fancypants, but people seem to like it which means fancypants LA people go. Let's just say, I wore heels. Annnnyway I had the brandade to start and the duck for a main - both very good renditions, but not life-changing. Matthew won most ballsy, ordering the roasted beef marrow with oxtail jam starter (mmm cholesterol-ly!) and Steve won for most ostentatious with a truly ridiculous seafood plateau. Fun!
Sunday we saw "Vantage Point". Check your brain at the door. For the record, I am a tedious person to see a movie about the television news industry with. The only redeeming quality the movie had was detaching me from a Sunday morning "America's Next Top Model" marathon that threatened to consume my soul. I cant figure out if Tyra Banks is an empowering role model or an evil cyborg sent to usher in a heartless-but-fierce robot age.
Is anyone watching "Lost"? Last week's was super good - love me some Desmond.