Strawberry season has arrived in California. A report on the news says the industry has completely recovered from the early season freeze. I can assure all of my many readers in the UK (ahem.) that strawberries in California are among the most perfect delectable treats in the world and put the woody tasteless red blobs you limeys call strawberries to shame. Oh yeah, and thanks for pulling your troops out of Iraq too.
Incidentally, we saw a package of 18 perfect strawberries in a food market in Japan. The cost: $120.
First session since my holiday with Kenny the Torturer last night. The Boy is trying to convince me to change his tag to Kenny the Devastator, but I think that sounds too much like a professional wrestler. He promised to make yday's workout only a 4 on the Day After Pain Scale (DAPS). I'm hovering near a 5 at the moment.
1 comment:
Do you prefer the soggy e-coli infested organic kind? Or the large delicious genetically engineered burst of heavenly flavor kind?
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