Friday, April 20, 2007

What is the wet stuff that falls from the sky?

Oh, yeah...rain. I forget.

Yes it IS raining here in Los Angeles. Only 2 inches of rain has fallen since last JULY 1! No wonder my plants are dying. I thought it was my black thumb, but I feel slightly better now. Everyone in Los Angeles gets slightly hysterical at the slightest amount of rain. Brits would be having a picnic in their bikinis in similar conditions.

I have completed my "Best Of" slide show from the Japan trip. There are still over 200 photos, but impressive considering that's culled from over 1000. Click here if you want to see.

According to my new Google Analytics measuring device (shout out to my reader(s) in Slough!), my page views go up dramatically on Mondays. I will try to update over the weekend so you have something new to read on Monday. You will have to wait until Tuesday for my review of Mozza, but you will have my review of Sunday Supper at Lucques and the burgers at Father's Office. We are also going to try and make it to a Persian restaurant in Tehrangeles, the Iranian neighborhood. John McCain is not invited.

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